What are the Requirements for Master Barber Program?

The Master Barber program is designed in such as way that it covers all phases of cosmetology, preparing the students to excel in the field of barbering. The primary objective of this program is to equip students with the basic skills needed to meet the level of competence for the examination required by the NY State Department of Licensing. This knowledge and skills will help aspiring barbers to pave their ways as barbers, product demonstrators, salon owners, or manufacturers to technicians.

Skills you will gain from the Master Barber Course

Once the course requirements are completed, the graduate will have acquired the following skills:

  • Able to understand the science involved in professional hair care.
  • Recognize the skin composition and to provide the client with professional skin care services accordingly.
  • Determine the patron’s hair.
  • Identify the characteristics and properties of the hair.
  • Understand the components of shaving mustaches and beards.
  • Understand the different types of elevations and designs of hair cutting.
  • Understand the basic technical skills and knowledge of barbering such as haircutting, shaving, chemical services, hairstyling, salesmanship and business management.
  • Demonstrate the practical application of makeup application and facials.
  • Take the state board examination required for licensure.2448x2448

Requirements for the master barber program

Hours – The hours’ requirement may vary from state to another. The course duration is between 63-hour – 1500-hour covering a period of 50 weeks for full-time students. The program is divided into three phases: General, Chemical, and Physical.


The general master barber program covers:

  • History and fundamentals of barbering
  • Barber implements
  • Hairpieces
  • Skin, hair, and scalp
  • Elementary chemistry associated with sanitation, sterilization, bacteriology, and hygiene
  • Makeup and skin care
  • Physiology, anatomy and systems structure of the face, head, and neck including muscles and nerves
  • Barber law, rules, and regulations
  • Disorders of the skin, hair, and scalp
  • Theory of massage and facial treatment
  • Business management and salesmanship
  • Preparation for seeking employment


The chemical courses in the master barber program include hair relaxer, hair coloring, permanent waving, bleaching and toning, and manicures.


The physical courses in the master barber program cover hair and scalp care, hair piece-fitting shampooing and rinses, hair cutting (male and female), shaving (beards and mustaches), facials, hairstyling, and makeup, and manicures.

Want more information on enrollment requirements for master barber program? Contact IBI. They provide the best and quality training to every aspiring barber.