Choosing the Right Master Barber Institute

In recent times, the beauty industry has experienced enormous growth in the men’s grooming and styling. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics prediction, barbers and cosmetologists will experience 14% growth in the job opportunities over the next decade. Therefore, enrolling in a master barber program and working as a certified barber could be a profitable career move.

Although women tend to invest more money to enhance their beauty and appearance at the salon, men visit more often to their barber or hair stylist than women. As per the latest study by the Professional Salon Industry Haircare, from the year 2011 to 2012, men’s barber products and services have seen almost twice the sale. Hence, that has lead to a rise in the demand for men’s barber or grooming professionals.


If you have a creative head and you enjoy working with your hands, pursuing a career in the beauty industry and getting into the male grooming industry is the right choice for you. A path to a successful barber starts from choosing the right barber school. However, when it comes to choosing the master barber institute, there are several things you to consider. If you want to get into the best barber school, we have explained below the tips on choosing one.

Consider experienced instructors – Before you make a decision, it is always best to make a visit to the school you’re considering and inquire about the teaching staff. Choose the school that employs instructors having experience with all different and trendy men’s styles. Also, make sure that the teacher and student ratio in the class are small enough, so that you can get plenty of one-to-one time with your instructors.

Practice is the key to a successful barber – The next thing you need to look out in a barber school is the duration of practical classes and how often they provide it to their students. For instance, if you comfortably want to do clipper cuts, the only way to get it right is by practice. Getting into the right school not only gets you more comfortable with clipper cutting, but it can also help you acquire communication and customer service skills.
Business 101 – With a good barber institute, you get prepared to face real life after the State Board exam. You will learn valuable business skills so that you can work at any professional salon or can also start your own barbershop. A good master barber program also helps in preparing your resume, getting an internship, and starting a job search.
Are you looking for one of the best master barber institutes in NY? Contact IBI