Frequently Asked Questions About Barber Training Courses

Barbering sounds a very easy task to perform, but it requires a lot of skill and expertise to develop the appropriate skills and lend barbering services to potential clients. Barbering is a career choice that requires creativity and the ability to deal with customers one-on-one. A barber’s main job is to impart grooming services to the clients as per their needs and style them so look and feel their best. It is essential for a barber to have immense practical training and experience. Thus, it is essential for every prospective barbering candidate to get enrolled in a barber training course and gain hands on experience.


Barbering is a profession that is very demanding. One has to showcase creativity at every step and should also be physically very strong and healthy as it comprises of long hours of standing and serving the customers. More and more individuals nowadays are opting for more creative career options such as barbering rather than various other mainstream career options. If you are somebody who wishes to improve the barbering skills and amplify the techniques, joining a leading barbering school is the ideal choice.

When the thought of becoming a barber first crosses an individual’s mind, a lot of questions such as where to start from, which school to go, what course to follow,  might arise and the individual may become skeptical about this career choice.

Below mentioned are the most frequently asked questions about barber training courses and this particular career choice.

  1. What is the role of a barber?  A barber is basically responsible for lending shaving and grooming services to the general; public. A barber can practice different haircutting techniques and styles as per the convenience and requirements of the customers. A barber should have ample knowledge about the different types of haircutting tool and how to maintain the hygiene standards in the salon that he/she is working in.

  1. How do I look for a barbering school?  There are a plethora of things that should be kept in mind when choosing a barbering school. Make sure that the school has experienced and trained faculty. Also, the school should be able to provide you certification that will help you in further building your barbering career. You can look for a school that near you. It is important to conduct ample research before joining a barbering school.
  1. What will I be taught in a barbering school? Barbering schools will teach prospective barbers with both modern a well as traditional methods of barbering. It is essential to learn about cutting edge hairstyling and haircutting techniques. Generally, the following subjects are taught in a barbering school.

    1. Hair Cutting and trimming techniques

    2. Various treatments pertaining to the scalp

    3. Cosmetic treatments

    4. Adjusting wigs and artificial hair

    5. Hair colouring treatments

Are you looking for barber training courses? Consult the experts at International Barber Institute. For more information, call at (631) 273-5755

Skills you’ll learn in a Barber Training Course

Over the past few years, barber shops are popping all over the world than ever. Do you have a creative head and want to pursue a career in the beauty industry? Then you must enroll in one of the best barber training courses. If you’re considering to join the exciting world of barbering, you need to acquire the rights skills and knowledge. For that, you need to get a barber training in a licensed barbering school. Before you dive into the barber training course, you need to know the skills you’ll learn.

Knowledge – Almost everyone in a barber training course covers up the basic scientific understanding of the hair and scalp. In this course, you’ll learn about hair anatomy and physiology, so that you can properly color, cut, treat, and style hair. Plus, you’ll learn about the finer points of styling and grooming men.

Client communication skills – By enrolling in a barber training course, you’ll not only learn hair and makeup skills but also learn how to engage and communicate with your clients. When it comes to communication, it is key in client relationships. You need to make sure you clear all your clients doubt about proper care and maintenance of hair as well as skin.

Infection control

Barbering skills and techniques – With a barber training program, you can acquire the required skills and techniques to kick-start your barbering career. Most of the barbering schools provide proper training in the latest coloring, cutting, and grooming techniques. Additionally, you can get experience as well as enough of practice to polish your barbering skills.

Safety and sanitation – Being a barber, it’s your responsibility your clients as well as yourself from infection. While working in the barbershop or salon, you’ll engage with sharp tools and harmful chemicals. Therefore, you need to have proper knowledge about safety and sanitation in the barber shop. In barber training course, you’ll learn all the basic techniques to keep your workplace and your clients safe. Proper sanitation of the barbering tools will reduce the risk of spreading infection one person to another or from proper to tools. You need to practice sanitation with tools such as trimmers, razors, an scissors, to ensure your and your client’s safety.

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in the multi-dollar beauty industry, you must have these skills to start your barbering journey. Are you searching for barber training courses? Contact International Barber Institute – 631) 273-5755. They also offer master barber program.

How To Maintain Your Barbering Clipper

Taking care of your clippers and trimmers is of utmost importance when employed in the barbering industry. One can learn about the basics of infection control and the importance of hygiene by enrolling into advanced barbering courses from an advance barber institute.

Not paying attention to the upkeep of clippers and cutting tools can become a disadvantage for many barbers. Not many people practice tools management after every use, which a step that must not be ignored. A lot of investment goes into purchasing all the essential tools and equipment in maintaining the barbering business and keep it running smooth. There are many problems associated with clipping tools. This problem arises because of the fact that many barbers and trainers do not include clipper maintenance and upkeep in their barbering practices.

The quality of the clippers might degrade as a result of excessive hair accumulation and grease. Using the same tools again and again, without cleaning them might increase the problem and make your customers rethink about visiting you again. It is important to know about the importance of maintaining the quality of the clippers that you use. Keep in mind to always keep your clippers lubricated for maximum output.

advance barber institute

Below mentioned are the top tips to maintain your barbering clippers.

Make use of clipper brushes: Clipper brushes are helpful in removing any dust trapped between the blades of the clippers. The blades are prone to rust on the application of wet hair. To prevent that from happening, it is essential to dust off any residue that might have accumulated on the blades. Make sure you use clipper brushes to keep the clippers neat and clean.

Use disinfectants: Keep disinfectants handy! It is vital to spray a little amount of disinfectant on the clippers. After you have cleaned the clippers with a brush, ensure that you spray disinfectant to prevent the build-up of bacterias and infections. This will also prevent the breeding of germ and other harmful viruses.

Keep clipper blades lubricated: Another essential step in maintaining the quality of your clipper blades is to use a good quality oil to keep the blades sharp and lubricated. The quality of the blade might come down because of metal rubbing, to prevent that, make sure you lubricate the blades before utilizing them.

Wash, wash, wash!: Make it a daily practice to wash your tools after using them. Give the blade a 10 seconds bath in any sterilized solution to make it germ and virus free. This will increase the life of your clipper and enhance its performance.

Do you wish to learn more about barber institute and make a career in this field? Join the master barber program at the Master Barber Institute. They have advanced barber courses that enhance your skills and lend knowledge. For more information, call at (631) 273-5755

Finding the best barber school that offers a master barber program

If you want to pursue a career as a barber, and looking for the best barber school in your state, then the best way to choose the right barber school is to perform extensive research on the barbering institutes of your state. Also, ask lots of questions while talking to the admission representatives. The important thing you need to consider while choosing the barber school is to make sure their program include Infection control training. It is essential for every aspiring barber. However, following are some of the tips for contacting barber schools and choosing your option.

  • Before you make a decision, compare at least three barber schools in terms of fees, facilities, and education.
  • Make sure the program they offer meet your state license requirements.
  • Cost of the program is the most important factor to consider, so you must do financial planning before diving into the training.
  • Do consider whether the classes are taught by experienced barbers or not.
  • Will they offer career services after you finish your barber training program?
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Skills you learn in a barbering school

Being in a barbering school, you can learn both modern and traditional skills, like cutting edge skills for men’s hair. Usually, a barber training program covers the following topics:

  • Men’s shaving and grooming services
  • Trimming and cutting
  • Hair coloring
  • Permanent waves and treatments
  • Scalp treatments
  • Adjusting artificial hair, toupees, or wigs

Besides barbering skills, some barbering schools also teach their students marketing and business management skills to advance in the barbering career. Infection control course is also a crucial topic you’ll learn in barbering school.
Other barbering skills you can learn in barber school include:

  • Blood Borne Pathogens
  • sanitation & safety
  • Hair and scalp conditions
  • State-specific regulations regarding barbering

Requirements you must meet to enroll in barbering school
When it comes to requirements to get into a barber school, they are usually the same in all states, with some variations. However, every candidate must meet the minimum requirements to enroll in barbering school include:

  • You must at least 16 years old
  • You must finish high school diploma or a GED before enrollment
  • Clear background check and application process

Most barber training programs offered by barbering schools usually last from 12-15 months with affordable course fees. If you want to enroll in barber program, make sure you choose the one that offers infection control training as well. For more information related to barbering programs, contact IBI – International Barber Institute.

Choosing the Right Master Barber Institute

In recent times, the beauty industry has experienced enormous growth in the men’s grooming and styling. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics prediction, barbers and cosmetologists will experience 14% growth in the job opportunities over the next decade. Therefore, enrolling in a master barber program and working as a certified barber could be a profitable career move.

Although women tend to invest more money to enhance their beauty and appearance at the salon, men visit more often to their barber or hair stylist than women. As per the latest study by the Professional Salon Industry Haircare, from the year 2011 to 2012, men’s barber products and services have seen almost twice the sale. Hence, that has lead to a rise in the demand for men’s barber or grooming professionals.


If you have a creative head and you enjoy working with your hands, pursuing a career in the beauty industry and getting into the male grooming industry is the right choice for you. A path to a successful barber starts from choosing the right barber school. However, when it comes to choosing the master barber institute, there are several things you to consider. If you want to get into the best barber school, we have explained below the tips on choosing one.

Consider experienced instructors – Before you make a decision, it is always best to make a visit to the school you’re considering and inquire about the teaching staff. Choose the school that employs instructors having experience with all different and trendy men’s styles. Also, make sure that the teacher and student ratio in the class are small enough, so that you can get plenty of one-to-one time with your instructors.

Practice is the key to a successful barber – The next thing you need to look out in a barber school is the duration of practical classes and how often they provide it to their students. For instance, if you comfortably want to do clipper cuts, the only way to get it right is by practice. Getting into the right school not only gets you more comfortable with clipper cutting, but it can also help you acquire communication and customer service skills.
Business 101 – With a good barber institute, you get prepared to face real life after the State Board exam. You will learn valuable business skills so that you can work at any professional salon or can also start your own barbershop. A good master barber program also helps in preparing your resume, getting an internship, and starting a job search.
Are you looking for one of the best master barber institutes in NY? Contact IBI

An Insight Into The Need Of A Hygienic And Safe Environment In A Salon

Health and safety are of utmost importance in any business setting. In a barber shop, where a lot of equipment and hair cutting tools are used on a daily basis, maintaining a neat, clean, and hygienic environment becomes a necessity. One can get enrolled in an infection control training course in Long Island in order to learn about the basics of infection control and its importance in a barbering setting.
People nowadays have become well aware of how crucial it is to live in a hygienic environment and have become extremely health conscious. No doubt that the standards of public health have significantly improved, but the risk of getting infected by contagious infections such as hepatitis and HIV prevail the most in a salon or a barber shop.

The most commonly used and the best method of keeping the equipment and tools in a barber shop free of bacteria are:

  • Sterilization
  • Sanitation
  • Disinfection

A neat and clean barber shop will certainly attract more customers, which is the key to a successful business. If you ignore the sanitation standards and continue to lend barbering services in an unhygienic environment, you are liable to get your barbering license canceled.

What does the law say?
According to the law, the following points must be taken into consideration if you are engaged in barbering business.

Understand your duties: Be aware of the prevailing health and safety standards in the industry and accordingly employ your barbering business with the same safety and hygiene standards. Remember that it is your duty to take care of public hygiene and serve your clients the best services. The equipment should be safe for use and properly sterilized.

Device health and safety terms and conditions: If you have more than 5 employers engaged in your barbering business, it is mandatory to draft health and safety terms and conditions. The employers have to strictly abide by these terms and conditions. A prewritten safety and health policy are also available (NHF health and safety toolbox) in which you just have to fill up the gaps.

Risk management: It is very important to calculate and access the risk associated with the salon and barbering business. This basically takes into consideration the key elements such as skin diseases, storage of chemicals, and various body ailments.

Importance of proper training: If you run a barbering business, you must understand the importance of imparting proper infection control training to the employees. One can also get enrolled in an infection control training program in Long Island to gain knowledge about the same.

It is very important for a barber to understand the seriousness of maintaining a hygienic and clean atmosphere in his salon. If you are a prospective barbering candidate and wish to learn about the infection control techniques, you can take up an infection control training program in Long Island. To know more, Visit International Barber Institute.

Essential Characteristics That A Barber Must Possess

Have you ever wanted to make a career as a barber but were unaware of the basic skills to become one? Then you’ve certainly landed on the right place! Read on to know more about barbering and its essentials.

Barbers are a distinctive breed who are passionate about hair styling, and the latest trends that exist. Barbers are the most innovative, creative, and possess a special love for hair cutting and styling. One can also get enrolled in a master barber institute and obtain a prior certification to become a professional barber.

In order to build goodwill as a barber, the first step should be to communicate openly with the clients. It is essential to understand the requirements of your clients and to serve them the best. The basic agenda of a barber should be to know about the existing styling trends and techniques with modern hair cutting tools and equipment.

international Barber Institute

A barber must have the following skills:

Extensive hair styling knowledge: A good barber must possess the knowledge and be well aware of the prevalent market trends. The barber must make use of his knowledge and suggest haircuts that best suit the features of a client. In case a client makes a bad haircut choice, a barber should be able to suggest him the next best alternative. The barber must make the best use of his creativity and barbering skills to deliver his customer’s the required hairstyles and cuts.

Dedication towards profession: To master any profession, it is crucial to be dedicated respectfully towards it. A good barber will be passionate and proud of his profession. A professional barber must follow a code of conduct and ethics and should be honest with his profession.

Good communication skills: Barbers belong to the cosmetic and skincare industry and are expected to be cordial, humble, and friendly with their clients. They should be able to treat their clients as their friends and understand their requirements. Conversing with the customers will help them in better understanding the necessity of the clients. A barber must be well versed and polite in communicating with his customers. This will also help in building a reputation.

Creative and innovative: A barber should be creative and innovative with his hair cutting styles and techniques. Barbering career is best suited to those who have a fling for this art. Introducing new styles should be easy for a creative barber. Professional barbers should have knowledge about the latest styles and techniques prevalent in the market. Barbers should also be able to freely exercise their creativity and innovation.

Hygiene and cleanliness: As we all know, hair cutting can get messy and difficult. It Is essential for a barber to keep his surroundings neat and clean in order to attract more customers. Directly touching people’s scalp and hair can be unhygienic and has the risk of spreading germs from one customer to another. It is important to disinfect all tools that a barber possesses to maintain hygiene standards.

Looking for barbering courses? Enrol in a master barber institute today or visit International Barber Institute

Infection Control: Sanitizing and Cleaning the Barbering Tools

Being a professional barber or a cosmetologist, you can’t take away infection control from your mind, as the major responsibility to keep yourself and your customers shielded from a host of dreadful, pathogenic microorganisms lays on your shoulders. Since the tools, countertops, and the air in the barbershop constantly harbor viruses, bacteria, and fungi, it is mandatory for a barber to understand the causes and techniques involved in disinfecting the barbering tools. With proper infection control training program in Long Island, barbers can potentially maintain hygiene in the salon or barbershop.

Maintaining a healthy and clean environment is not only crucial for preserving the longevity of your tools but can also prevent infection when accidents take place. Barbering tools such as razors and shears may accidentally pierce the skin and cause infection. Sanitizing and cleaning the tools can reduce the risks of stylists as well as customers.


Sanitizing and cleaning the barbering tools

Brushes – For cleaning a brush, use a cleaner devised with wide-spaced, hard, angled teeth on one side and longer bristles on the other. Use the wide toothed end of the cleaning brush to scrape up through every row of bristles and pull up. To maintain the fine wood finish of the brushes, store it in dry sanitizer. Avoid soaking it in harsh liquid sanitizers.

Combs – Use a thick and longer bristled end of the cleaning brush along with Redken hair cleansing cream to rinse off styling aid residue. Do not soak the comb in liquid sanitizers for more than 10 minutes.

Shears – Use alcohol on a cotton ball to rub off the styling aid residue – careful from the edges of the blade to avoid injury. Grab shears with tips pointing downward, put a few drops of clipper or shear oil at the pivot point, move the shears in and out and let it rest overnight.

In the morning, again position the shears with tips facing downward and move the shears in and out. After repeating this for few times, wipe the blade to clean.

Razors – Carefully take out the used blade and dispose of it. Use alcohol on a cotton ball to rub off the styling aid residue or cutting lotion residue from all metal parts of the razor, including finer tongs and holes. Cautiously install a new blade.

Barbering is a very hard working industry. Starting a career in this field requires a bit more energy and dedication. You think you’re passionate enough? If yes, get enrolled in infection control training programs in Long Island. For more information contact International Barber Institute (IBI), a leading barber school in the state of New York.

What are the Requirements for Master Barber Program?

The Master Barber program is designed in such as way that it covers all phases of cosmetology, preparing the students to excel in the field of barbering. The primary objective of this program is to equip students with the basic skills needed to meet the level of competence for the examination required by the NY State Department of Licensing. This knowledge and skills will help aspiring barbers to pave their ways as barbers, product demonstrators, salon owners, or manufacturers to technicians.

Skills you will gain from the Master Barber Course

Once the course requirements are completed, the graduate will have acquired the following skills:

  • Able to understand the science involved in professional hair care.
  • Recognize the skin composition and to provide the client with professional skin care services accordingly.
  • Determine the patron’s hair.
  • Identify the characteristics and properties of the hair.
  • Understand the components of shaving mustaches and beards.
  • Understand the different types of elevations and designs of hair cutting.
  • Understand the basic technical skills and knowledge of barbering such as haircutting, shaving, chemical services, hairstyling, salesmanship and business management.
  • Demonstrate the practical application of makeup application and facials.
  • Take the state board examination required for licensure.2448x2448

Requirements for the master barber program

Hours – The hours’ requirement may vary from state to another. The course duration is between 63-hour – 1500-hour covering a period of 50 weeks for full-time students. The program is divided into three phases: General, Chemical, and Physical.


The general master barber program covers:

  • History and fundamentals of barbering
  • Barber implements
  • Hairpieces
  • Skin, hair, and scalp
  • Elementary chemistry associated with sanitation, sterilization, bacteriology, and hygiene
  • Makeup and skin care
  • Physiology, anatomy and systems structure of the face, head, and neck including muscles and nerves
  • Barber law, rules, and regulations
  • Disorders of the skin, hair, and scalp
  • Theory of massage and facial treatment
  • Business management and salesmanship
  • Preparation for seeking employment


The chemical courses in the master barber program include hair relaxer, hair coloring, permanent waving, bleaching and toning, and manicures.


The physical courses in the master barber program cover hair and scalp care, hair piece-fitting shampooing and rinses, hair cutting (male and female), shaving (beards and mustaches), facials, hairstyling, and makeup, and manicures.

Want more information on enrollment requirements for master barber program? Contact IBI. They provide the best and quality training to every aspiring barber.

3 Tips For Choosing A Reliable Barber School for Master Barber Program

Barbers are one of the well-known professionals who cut and trim hair and beards. Usually, they provide services to the male clients. Some professionals may offer additional services and duties such as- shampooing hair, massage to the scalp and coloring.

In the US, to become a barber you need to be a license one. It is compulsory in many states in the United States. These are required because barbers need to use a lot of different types of tools in their job in an appropriate manner. These instruments and tools include a wide variety of scissors, trimmers, etc. To become a licensed barber, you need to enroll in the master barber program. For that, you need to enroll in a barber school. In this blog, we have mentioned some of the important tips that you must consider before enrolling in a barber school or barber program.


If you are the one who loves creativity, becoming a barber is a smart decision for you. Therefore choose the barber school wisely.

Well-experienced instructors– Before enrolling in a barber school, it’s better to choose a reliable school and ask some questions and clear all of your queries. You can talk to the instructors, ask about their methods of teaching and how experienced they are. You must check the teacher-to-student ratio with the school management as it is an important component which matters a lot. If the number of students would be less, the instructor would be able to pay more attention to students and time to answer the queries of the students.

Duration of the program– The master program for barber has a six-month duration. The program must include more hours for the practice session. As the barbering is a profession that needs a lot of practice and creativity. Practice makes a man perfect- it is an old saying but true. If the practice hours will be more, you would be able to learn better.

Must enroll in the institute which is approved by the state– The school must offer the approved master barber program or diploma which includes a certification. As the license is required in almost all states in the United States.

Are you looking for master barber program? Contact- International Barber Institute (IBI). They are leading barber school in the state of New York with skilled professionals able to cut the hair in any style you want.