How you can ensure a prosperous career as a barber?

Every profession needs skills to perform their job in the best possible manner and barbering is no exception. Barbers who want to become successful in their fields and provide satisfactory services often want to learn the necessary skills from the experts. Thus, they prefer to enroll themselves in advanced barber program and pursue their dream of becoming the best barber in the world.

If you also want to become a barber that people admire, there are a few things you need to remember to cultivate your skills as a professional barber.

First and foremost- To get into the nitty-gritty of barbering, the first thing you need to keep in mind is to get yourself enrolled in a renowned barber training course. While doing so you will be trained under the guidance of experienced and qualified experts. They will help you with hands-on training and help you develop skills about how you can maintain quality while providing the services.

barber institute student

Certificate of Completion in Barbering- Once you develop all your skills and complete your training course, you are considered as certified barber. Certificate of completion may be awarded at the end of the program and part-time, daytime, Full-time, and evening options may be available, depending on the school. During lectures, students learn to work with chemical dyes, scissors, razors, combs and clippers, as well as styling hair for children and men. The course curriculum offers you hygiene, sanitation, chemistry, ethics, sterilization, bacteria, skin disorders and facial treatment courses as well. Also you will be trained for the following points that are stated below that help them start their own businesses:

  • Accounting
  • Customer service
  • Consultation
  • Networking
  • Management
  • Business development

Gain Experience- Last but not least, it is very important that you are well aware of all the skills and tactics that keep the customers coming back to the salon again and again. To acknowledge and develop such skills is always beneficial to take experience under proficient experts who have been offering services for years and can guide you in the best way.

Follow the above points to develop your skills as a proficient barber and become your own boss. If you are looking for renowned advanced barber program then you can get yourself enrolled at International Barber and Beauty Institute.

How Communication is a bone for Barbering Profession?

Communicating with your customer is the secret to keeping them satisfied and coming back for more services. The best thing you can do is make them feel like they are your most important customers. For the duration of the haircut, they should be the only person in your life.

The first portion of the communication process is to find out how your customers like their hair cut. If they are not sure and are relying on you to assist them in deciding the best style for them, it is a good idea to find out what they do for a living, what activities they are involved in, how much effort they want to put into styling, etc. This will help you decide what the best haircut for them is.

Barber Infection Control Course NY

The next part of the communication process is to build a professional relationship with the customer. A haircut is a personal service so it is important that the customer likes and feels comfortable with us. The trick is to get to know them without getting too personal. Finding out a common interest or two really helps. Make it a priority to learn a little bit about what is going on in current events, sports, the weather, etc. This way you can carry on a short conversation about a lot of different topics. Let the customer dominate the conversation and avoid all controversial topics such as politics and religion.

Another great tip I teach to all of my barbers is to make it a point to remember one thing you talked about during the previous haircut and bring it up the next time the customer is at the shop or salon. This tells your customer you are paying attention to them and really care. If you have a difficult time with your memory, it can be a similar question for everyone. Something related to a close family member, favorite sports team, vacation spot, etc. The more your customer likes you personally, the more likely they are to become a repeat haircut customer and excellent tipper.

Hope the above points made it clear how you can boost your barbering profession.

How To Maintain Your Barbering Clipper?

So, you have finally taken a leap. You are a barber now and you can do quite a neat haircut. Life is good. You are learning new skills. One day, you wake up to a harsh realization: your clippers just don’t cut well. Instead, they snag hair or leave your skin irritated.

Alright. Did you forget to clean them properly?

Taking proper care of your clippers and trimmers is one of the most essential things to do when pursuing a career in the barbering industry. You can learn about the basics of infection control and the importance of hygiene by enrolling into an Advanced Barber Institute.

Advance Barber Institute

Not paying attention towards the maintenance of clippers and cutting tools can become a disadvantage for a lot of barbers. Not many people practice tool management after every use although this is a step that should not be ignored. Furthermore, a lot of investment goes into buying all the tools that are required in maintaining the barbering business.

But not everyone is aware of the fact that there is an umpteen number of problems that are associated with clipping tools. And the problem takes place because of the fact that there are a lot of barbers who do not include clipper maintenance and upkeep in their barbering practices.

A good quality pair of hair clippers will not only save you time and money but will also last for long if you look after them properly. Additionally there are certain tips you should follow to maintain your barbering clippers. Mentioned below are some:

  • Use disinfectants: Keep disinfectants handy! It is important to spray a little amount of disinfectant on the clippers. Once you have cleaned the clippers with a brush, make sure you spray disinfectant to stop the build up of infections and bacteria. This will also prevent the breeding of germs and other harmful viruses.
  • Make use of clipper brushes: Clipper brushes are helpful in removing dust that is confined between the blades of the clippers. The blades are susceptible to rust on the application of wet hair. To stop that from taking place, it is important to dust off any residue that might have gathered on the blades.

These are some of the tips you should follow to keep your clippers maintained and clean.

Do you wish to learn more about barbering and make a career in this field? Contact International Barber Institute. It is one of the best advanced barber institutes that offers courses that enhance your skills.

Barbering Kit Essentials – what you should have?

international Barber Institute

Passionate about becoming a barber? If so, it is essential to be aware of the right barbering techniques. In order to become a good barber, the most important part is to know about the correct usage of the Barber Training Courses.

As a potential barber, cutting and styling hair might be the most enjoyed part of the job. However, the tools and equipment that you use also plays an essential role in determining the quality of work being delivered.

Barbering involves a lot of cutting, trimming, shaving, and styling. All of which cannot be performed without using the right set of tools. As a beginner, it is thus essential to understand the correct method of using different types of barbering tools.

The best way of learning about the barbering kit essentials and the right way of using them is to get enrolled in a barber training school. After learning about the basics, you can even get enrolled in an advanced barber program in the same school to enhance the skills and excel in your career.

Beginners barber kit considerations

Barbering is a craft justified by the correct use of tools and trending styles. Although creative ideas and innovation are the essence of barbering, the correct usage of tools give your ideas the right direction.

If you wish to excel in your career as a barber, make sure you invest in purchasing the best shavers, clippers, scissors, and other equipment. One time investment in good quality barbering tools will ensure long years of productivity.

Your mentors will advise you to initially make use of basic barbering equipment. After gaining experience and expertise, you can gradually shift to using more complex and advanced tools.

Description of the required tools

Below we have curated a list of Barber Refresher Classes tools that are essential to crack the general state barbering license exam.

Hair clippers
Hair guards
Straight razor

Top 3 Mustaches in Trend in 2018

One of the most trending elements in the world of barbering is the facial hair. If you can maintain a style, mustaches particularly are garnering extreme trend. One thinks about facial hair that they need regular TLC. Unmaintained facial hair makes you look unkempt and untidy rather than rugged.

The clean-shaven look is now last year and the barbers all around the globe are raving about the trending mustaches. From the famous Curly Q to the handlebars, mustaches make sure that all eyes are on you. As mentioned before, a kempt look needs a good grooming and thus a good barber. You need to make sure that your barber is in touch with the latest trends.

Are you a barbering student?
If you are a barber or a barbering student, you need to know about the latest trends to retain your clientele. Unlike haircuts, the facial hair especially mustaches require a deep understanding of the trend and whether the particular style will look good on the client. The majority of barbering students opt for the advance barber program to better their qualifications. Here are top 3 mustaches that you must know about


Thin Mustache
A mustache needs to suit the personality of the client. Also known as pencil mustache, a thin stache is a straight line with an inverted arch according to the liking of the wearer. Hollywood actors such as Clark Gable often sported a pencil mustache.

Bushy Mustache
Bushy mustaches are a unique twist on the handlebar mustaches. It depends upon the wearer how long or short they want to keep their mustache. This especially suits a person who has straight facial hair.

The Handlebar
The handlebar mustache, often preferred by the cowboys is one of the vintage mustaches. The bushy hair grows over the upper lip. It is the full-bodied mustache that often covers the lower half of the face. This style can often be seen in the old western movies.

Want to get your advance barber program from leading barber training school? Contact International Barber Institute (IBI). They are a leading barber school in the state of New York with skilled professionals with an ability to cut the hair in any style you want.

What you should know about the “Flying Haircut”?

One of the most trending haircuts of 2018 is a fade haircut. This first began as the haircut for men with short hair but now men with medium hair are also sporting this haircut. It has gained traction with many celebrities and artists all over the globe. Called “flying haircut” on the street, this haircut gives men edgy and clean appearance.
The most important thing to have to sport this haircut is the right barber. An inexperienced barber can not only ruin your haircut but also give you an infection. This is the reason why the majority of men opt to go to the barber who is certified in barbering and taken an infection control course. If you are looking for a barber who can give you a perfect flying haircut, here are a few things that you should do:


Try and find an inspiration
The first thing you should do is to find the inspiration for the flying haircut. This haircut has numerous varieties, thus, your barber should be able to know which type of fade haircut you want and what type of haircut would suit you. You should look at various celebrities and artists who have this haircut and look for the inspiration. Try to find the person with similar face shape as yours. This will help you to see if the haircut will look good on you or not.

Find an experienced barber to trust
Trustworthy barbers are rare to find. Thus, if you find the one that suits you perfectly, then stick to it. You don’t want to be humiliated with a bad haircut. Along with that, you need to confirm with the barber himself if they have taken infection control course. Bacterias and viruses transferred from the infected tools can result in skin infections and blood poisoning. You do not want that. A barber with infection control course will keep all his tool clean with disinfectants and sanitizers and make sure that there are no germs or bacteria of any kind present on the tools.

Want to get a barber trained in infection control from leading barber training school? Contact International Barber Institute (IBI). They are leading barber school in the state of New York with skilled professionals able to cut the hair in any style you want.

Tips for Choosing a Competent Barber School

If you have decided to pursue a career in barbering, then the only way you will be a skilled barber is by joining the right school. This industry is experiencing a huge growth, effectively increasing job opportunities. So, if you want to go for it and obtain a degree in barbering, find a school that provides appropriate training to make you a licensed barber.

Many institutes offer a variety of barbering courses to prepare individuals for the state licensing board exam. But before choosing a institute, keep in mind that the training you choose will provide the foundation for your career. Here are some tips that you should follow while looking for a good barber school.


Experienced Instructors – Before you apply for a barber program, it is suggested to visit the school and ask various essential questions. Instructors in the institute should have years of industry experience and deep knowledge of different hairstyles, trends etc. You should also ensure that you will get plenty of personalized instructions and one-on-one time with your instructors.

Your instructors should be able to teach you all the latest cutting techniques along with trends.

Lots of practice – It is important to have good practice in barbering. Once you get training and knowledge in school, you should practice your skills to improve during internship. This will also help you master your communication and customer service skills. A competent barber school should teach progressive techniques in hands on training.

Business skills – A good barber school will prepare you for the state exam as well as for the life after this exam. A good program also helps you land an internship. They should teach you efficient business skills to help you in career or if you wish to open your own barber shop or salon. They should also assist you with job hunting in local barbershops.

Find a school that will offer you professional barbering training courses, so that you can excel in your career and find good jobs.